solutions are the answer to the market needs in terms of Cloud Computing (Public, Hybrid or Private Cloud). offer cloud services for CRM platform. All the advantages of are the results of a virtualized infrastructure designed to give fully managed solutions for CRM and eCommerce.
In a business enviroment, informations can multiply every day, and they can't be managed without the appropriate tools.
How can we organize and share them?
You need flexible infrastructures able to adapt themselves to the business needs, with always available services and applications, 24 hours a day.
Often the internal IT structure represent a limit because of its non scalability to be able to satisfy the new market needs.
Cloud Computing, viceversa, is based on high reliable infrastructures, through which is possible to manage your own data, applications and business activities.
Thanks to the Cloud is possible to lower the costs and reduce the risks delegating all the IT infrastructural management, security and backups to Internet Service Provider specialized in IT as a Service.
With the cloud computing you can have access to your data wherever there is an Internet connection, every time and with every device: desktop, tablet or smartphone.
A cloud technology can efficient workflows and make more competitive the business that adopt it:
Ecco perché il Cloud rende più efficienti i processi di lavoro e quindi più competitive le società che lo usano.
«According to Harvard Business Review, globally, the 70% of the business adopted cloud as-a-service solutions with the primary intent of reply simply and quickly to the needs of the market. The benefits goes from reduction of complexity, individual productivity boost and enhancement of service quality to customers»
Which are the advantages of a Cloud solution?
- You pay only for what you use: you can add extra resources only when needed and only for the time you need them.
- Less company technical assistance required: you can manage all the IT services independently, without any expert intervention
- Is safer: All the data security and the infrastructure maintenance are operated by a professional and by you.
- Scalable: in few minutes you can add or remove easily cloud application according to your needs.
- Always available: you can access to your data whenever, wherever and from any device you want. (computer, tablet, smartphone).
Le soluzioni ITTweb rappresentano la risposta vincente alle varie esigenze di Cloud Computing del mercato, che siano di tipo Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud oppure Private Cloud e non.
ITTweb ti offre i vantaggi del Cloud attraverso i servizi Cloud for IT grazie ad una infrastruttura di virtualizzazione collocata nel Datacenter Milano Caldera, il cloud digitale più grande d’Italia. Qui passa metà del traffico internet italiano.
Via Caldera 21, nei suoi 15 mila metri quadrati, alberga i dati digitali di aziende come Apple, Facebook, Microsoft e Netflix ed oltre 500 provider.
“Da qui passano gli ordini di Amazon, le ricerche su Google, i dati che viaggiano sui cellulari di Vodafone, Wind e Tre, le connessioni Fastweb, i programmi Rai, Mediaset e Sky che arrivano via Internet sul nostro Pc. Qui stanno uno in fila all’altro i server che contengono la memoria delle app che scarichiamo sui cellulari, dei post che pubblichiamo, dei video che guardiamo in streaming. Tutte le informazioni contenute nell’etere hanno in realtà uno spazio fisico. Sono su dei server.” -Corriere della Sera