CRM Voice over IP Module

The solution that can improve your daily activity

Today to communicate there are many tools such as chat, email, social, but the phone is still the principal communication system that you can not give up.

Surely in your company you will have a telephone exchange and a CRM.

What would you like your CRM to do?

Probably at the very least to report all the calls made and received, and then, other activities that help you be effective and proactive in managing relationships with customers.

There are many telephone and CRM solutions on the market, but they are generally not integrated with each other, even if they are sold as "integrable".

The few integrated solutions that exist are typically enterprise and therefore very expensive.

CRM and VoIP phone, integrated and Cloud-based, at a really interesting costs!

The main advantages of VTE CLOUD VOICE are:

  • You do not have to have expensive servers at home and pay consultants for their maintenance. Just a PC and you're immediately operational!
  • Pay only for what you use
  • Receive real-time information on incoming and outgoing calls
  • Calling is simple: just search for the name and the call will start with a simple click!
  • When a new customer calls, the call is recorded. After storing the customer in the registry, his information will be displayed in the next incoming and outgoing calls
  • You have the history of all the calls, you can search by customer name, date etc.
  • You have the possibility of having a 24 hour operator! Thanks to a sophisticated voice recognition system, available in dozens of different languages ​​and based on Google technology, you can create virtual operators that return information of any kind: the list of today's appointments, the progress of an order, the status of a ticket and the person who is managing it, etc.